Eddie & I

Eddie & I
The Love of My Life

Monday, August 23, 2010

3rd Infusion

Faith makes things possible---not easy

Well, I'm getting my 3rd infusion of Ipilumamab. I feel lucky they are giving it to me. There are some blood test results that are concerning Dr. Linette. I'm anemic now, but, the thing that's concerning the doctor most is my pancreas. There are some counts that indicate it is not working as well as it should. He claims though, that there is no connection to the ipi, so he really doesn't know what to think. I'll just continue on with what I'm doing. Maybe bulk up on some red meat!

Had a great time with our family this past weekend at Lost Valley. All 5 kids, spouses (and Kelley's boyfriend) and all 10 grandkids were able to be there.....and I was right about the wonderful chaos we had!! Was great spending so much time together.

Tomorrow is Eddie's and my 9th anniversary so we are leaving town for a short trip....looking forward to some alone time together!

Monday, August 16, 2010

Making Memories

God is good...all the time!!

We have had so many good days! We had our 26th annual Lake Weekend that we get to share with six other couples from high school. We had a great time in the water and had a ton of awesome food! It is so good to share our lives with each other...even if it's only a few times a year. They are such special people to us, these 'friends that are family'. We rejoice with each other over the good things in life and are there to help carry the load of the bad times. We can depend on each other all the time. That's friendship!

This Wednesday, Kaden starts Kindergarten and I get to 'help' take him to his classroom. (Then I get to dry his Mommy's tears!!) That's ok, though. I cried my eyes out when my own 'babies' started school....it's a rite of passage!

This coming weekend our family is going to Lost Valley. We've rented 3 condos and are ready for fun! All of our kids and grandkids will be there....what wonderful chaos awaits!!

So far so good with the ipilumamab. No side effects from my second infusion...how wonderful it makes the quality of our days! (Not thrilled with this summer cold I've gotten...hoping it is on the way out!)

Physical Therapy going ok....they're trying to strengthen me. I am apparently not as strong as I used to be!!

Monday, August 2, 2010

2nd Infusion

"This is my command; be strong and courageous! Do not be afraid or discouraged. For the Lord your God is with you wherever you go." ~ Joshua 1:9

I am receiving my 2nd infusion of Ipi. They are really running behind today which makes for an even longer day than Mom and I had anticipated, but as Mom said, we've put the day aside for it anyway. Oh, well. The whole procedure is already starting to become routine which surprises me. Siteman is finally starting to 'feel' better because everyone I come in contact with is incredibly kind. Kindness goes a long way in helping people. It may just be their job but you'd never know it.

Dr. Linette reminded me (as if I needed THIS reminder!) that after this infusion is where I may start having side effects. I'm praying I'm in the majority that don't suffer any of the 'wonderful' things he described!

Keeping God as my constant companion and comforter as we travel this road.