Eddie & I

Eddie & I
The Love of My Life

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Ellis Fischell!! & Blood Counts

"Every tomorrow has two handles. We can take hold of it with the handle of anxiety or the handle of faith". ~ Henry Ward Beecher (Thanks, Karen, for giving me this quote!)

Went to Ellis Fischell yesterday. It was so good to be back there and I actually liked the new doctor. No one will ever take Dr. Anderson's place as far as I'm concerned...but, this doctor is wonderful in his way! What a relief it was to me...I've had 3 months of Siteman and Dr. Linette....it was like going home!!!

I did get some bad news, though. My counts have actually dropped a little more since a week ago Monday. I've got to get these up....I'm going to start eating a high protein diet and trying to rest a little more. I'll get another set of labs done next Monday to see if we're making progress. Please keep praying for this!!

1 comment:

  1. We just keep on praying with faith to EXPECT MIRACLES and won't stop!! We sure can be stubborn can't we?! :) xo
